How to Keep Your Car Clean When You Have Kids

Keeping your car clean when you have kids is no easy feat. But it doesn't have to be THIS hard. Check out our hacks for keeping your car clean (even with kids!) at

We know that it’s nearly impossible to keep your family car clean (and we have the viral meme to prove it). But if you genuinely want to know how to keep your car clean when you have kids, we have some tips that can really help make a difference. Check em out!

I have spoken with many nervous mamas and daddies to be about their worries about having kids. They worry about the sleepless nights. They’re concerned about how their dogs will adjust to the new baby, or whether breastfeeding is going to work out the way they had planned.  They worry about their marriages, and their finances, and whether they registered for everything they will need for their new life.

And, much to my surprise, one new mom I was speaking with was worried about her much-loved, and well cared for, car.

She took one look at my car- the spare diapers in the back pocket, the cracker crumbs on the floor, the empty sippies in the cup holders, and I swear I saw an expression of panic cross her face as she asked, “how do I keep my car clean when I have kids?!?”

Clearly, I was not the right person to ask at the time.

BUT it made me realize what a hot-button issue the cleanliness of your car has become, and that a lot of people (my husband included!) take pride in keeping their car nice and tidy.  Not everyone shoves trash in the door pockets, or so I’m told, and some people make a big effort to keep their car clean, even with kids.

I could call for mobile detailing, but that gets SO expensive over time. So in an effort to stay married to keep my kids from making a mess in the car, I invested in some of the best car cleaning products, and have come up with some car cleaning hacks.  Here are my tips so far…

A photo of seat under a car seat messy with snacks and toys. Text overlay: Tips for keeping your car clean (even when you have kids)

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What I Learned About Myself During Spring Cleaning

#springcleaning #selfare #Momlife #Momfashion

Every once in a while, my husband gets it in his mind that we can’t possibly go one day longer without getting rid of some stuff. A lot of stuff. All the stuff. We go to Costco and come home with bins and bins and shelving to hold the bins and off we go. I mentally prepare, grab trash bags for what we’ll toss, the bins for what we’ll keep, and have dollar signs in my eyes for the stuff I’m going to sell. 

I start in the kids rooms and secretly clear out some old toys, because Lord knows they won’t miss them. Then I retire the clothes that they’ve grown out of. Planning to have more kids, I get to keep all their clothes without much argument. Chad is great about getting rid of clothes. He sometimes goes TOO far in my mind, deciding that he only needs five t-shirts, one sweater, two casual polo shirts and one suit. Then I remind him about all the other times he might want to be dressed and we find a happy medium.

Then there’s me. And my bureau. And my walk in closet. And my bins of extras. In truth, I wear about one tenth of what’s easily accessible. And, walking Mom cliché that I am, it’s lots of leggings and casual shirts. My closet features lots of things with names you may recognize like Irma and Randy….but the rest hangs unworn, though not unloved. What transpires next is always like an episode of hoarders.

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