20 of the Most Real Back to School Tweets

Hilarious and real back to school tweets from Moms and Dads who GET IT! #backtoschool #firstdayofschool #twitterroundup #tweetroundup #mommyhumor #momhumor #traditions #kindergarten #preschool #firstdayofschool2018 #firstdayofpreschool #firstdayofpreschool2018 #firstdayofkindergarten #firstdayofkindergarten2018 #backtoschool2018

The kids are going back to school, and we’re having all the feelings about it. But at least we can take to Twitter to know that we are not alone. Check out these sometimes hilarious, sometimes kicks you in the feels, but always keepin’ it real, back to school tweets. … Read More

A Parent’s Guide to Being Ready for Kindergarten

Do you have a child entering kindergarten? We do too. And we know it’s going to be a big day – for both of us. So why have we only worried about prepping our kids? Are you ready for your child to start kindergarten? Turns out, there’s a few things we, as parents, need to do to be ready for kindergarten too! Read on to find out how to get ready for kindergarten as a parent.

My son “graduates” preschool this week. Which means at the end of this summer he enters Kindergarten. The Big Leagues. 

As parents, we’ve spent a lot of time making sure our little ones are ready for Kindergarten. We try to prepare them academically, we buy them first backpacks and school supplies, and we worry about their capacity to sit still. Many of us send our kids to preschool hoping they’ll acquire the skills they’ll need to take those first steps into Kindergarten. But what do we do to prepare ourselves for this transition?

Was preschool preparing us – or was it setting us up for failure and disappointment?

classroom; text overlay reads: how to prepare parents for kindergarten

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