Baby’s First Edible Fingerpaint- Made from Yogurt!

I mean, they're gonna eat the paint anyways....might as well make sure it's delicious! Try this yogurt paint baby art project from #ediblefingerpaint #artforbabies #artfortoddlers #toddlerartproject #babyartproject #yogurtpaint

Looking for an edible finger paint recipe for babies? Find out how to make yogurt finger paint in this easy art project for babies and toddler featuring our two ingredient edible fingerpaint recipe.

yogurt paint; text overlay reads: taste safe fingerpaint

I spent some time as a preschool art teacher, so you better BELIEVE I was bound and determined to get my kids excited about art from an early age. I had big ambitions about art projects for babies, and I expected I would spend much of my time coming up with cute crafts for toddlers. I even pictured them with little paint brushes in their chubby little hands.

And then the day came when I handed Lila her first paintbrush, lovingly dipped in non-toxic red paint- and she stuck it right in her mouth. We THINK these things are going to be amazing. But when it comes to art projects for babies, sometimes we need to tone down our expectations just a little. Or, at the very least, come up with edible finger paint alternatives that won’t have our toddlers spitting red paint all over the living room floor.

One of the easiest compromises to make is by swapping out typical paints with edible finger paint for toddlers. Pinterest abounds with plenty of non-toxic options to make your own paint (often involving flour, corn-starch, and the like).

We wanted to move beyond paint that simply won’t hurt them. We’re bringing you an art activity for babies that integrates sensory play, taste exploration, and color experimentation in a truly edible fashion. 

Our yogurt fingerpaint recipe is sure to fill some time with yummy fun for your littlest Picassos. It’s a process-based art project your babies will love.

yogurt paint; text overlay reads: super edible yogurt paint for babies & toddlers

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