How Can You Help a Child that HATES Homework?

Wondering how to help a child that hates homework? Check out a list of homework time tips from a Special Education teacher (and mom of a homework hater!) in this list of homework strategies. 

So your kid hates homework? Mine too. My daughter fights me about it almost every day. As a teacher, it’s bizarre to me. And a little embarassing. And, if I’m being honest, infuriating (for both of us).

But you know what? We still get it done every single day. Whether we want to or not.

It takes a little creativity, and a lot of energy, but there are ways to take the battle out of homework time. If you find yourself looking for a way to help a child that hates homework, here are some strategies you can try.

Helping kids with their homework is hard enough- but what if you've got a kid who HATES it? Advice from a teacher and mama who's been there, at #homework #kindergarten #kindergartenhomework #homeworkhelp #homeworkhelp #adviceformoms #kids

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Kindergarten Homework Help (No Tears! Less Stress!)

Need some kindergarten homework help? We've got tips to get you through homework in the early grades at

Struggling to figure out how to help a kindergartener with their homework? You’re not alone- many parents have a hard time motivating kids to do their homework (without doing it for them). If you find yourself in that position, here are some tips- from a teacher-parent!- to help you get the kindergarten homework help you need (WITHOUT anyone crying in the process)

As a teacher, I hated homework. I hated assigning it, and I felt bad that parents struggled to get kids to complete it. Research doesn’t support it, and, frankly, I’d rather have the kids practice with me at school than muddle through with their parents at home, often picking up misconceptions in the process.

As a parent- well, I just hate homework for the regular reasons. Mostly because my kid doesn’t want to do it, but I’ve got to make her.

If you find yourself in need of kindergarten homework help, know that you’re not alone. Here’s some advice from me, both as a parent and teacher, that can help end your homework battles once and for all.

box of crayons; text: homework tips for kindergarten

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