How to Save Money at Chick fil A with Easy Hacks

Looking for ways to save money at Chick-fil-A? These genius Chick fil A hacks will get you discounts- and even free items!- on a regular basis. Read our pro tips at #chickfila #chickfilahacks #savemoneyatchickfila

Love Chick fil A, but low on cash? How to save money at Chick fil A (including sneaky off-menu Chick fil A hacks!) that will help you get more bang for your buck. 

As mothers of young children, we spend an embarrassing amount of time at Chick-fil-A. From taking over their play area to sleeping in their parking lot, we’re there a TON. As in, we know the owner and many of the employees by name.

And with a half dozen kids between us, we also know ALL the Chick Fil A money saving hacks for a large family. We know all the ways to cheapskate your way to a free lunch or two. And we are equal parts proud and embarrassed by these facts.

Even though it’s fast food, those dollars spent at Chick-fil-A add up quickly, especially when your kids keep growing and insist upon eating their own food.  I keep a VERY tight cash budget, which means that I can only eat out with the kids about once a week- and that’s if I keep our total under $10 for the three of us.

So how do I fuel our obsession with CFA while keeping our costs down? We’ve got a few Chick fil A money saving hacks for a large family (or a small one!) to help you make it work.

Looking for ways to save money at Chick-fil-A? These genius Chick fil A hacks will get you discounts- and even free items!- on a regular basis. Read our pro tips at #chickfila #chickfilahacks #savemoneyatchickfila

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