4 Fun Things You MUST do While Pregnant (and One Responsible Thing)

The Salty Mamas received a 4 month supply of Morning Pep Prenatal Vitamins as compensation for this post. While they did supply the sample and sponsor this post, all opinions – sweet or salty – are the true opinions of The Salty Mamas! Enjoy! 

Once you’re pregnant, there’s a lot you need to do. And don’t worry about forgetting to do any of it, because people will be reminding you the entire time. Some of it is the stuff that everyone will tell you about, like picking names, making a birth plan and preparing the baby’s nursery. 

And yes, you need to do that stuff too, but you should also make sure you’re doing stuff that’s really for YOU. Here’s some stuff that we NEVER heard anyone telling us we needed to do while pregnant, but we’re the kind of friends that will keep it real and tell you what you should actually be focusing on.

Plus, one responsible thing, because apparently now we’re the adults and need to make good choices or something.

There are a million checklists of all the things you need to do before baby gets here, but don't forget to add having fun to the list! Here are some fun things you should do! And one responsible thing for good measure. #pregnant #pregnancy #prenatalvitamins #morningpepprenatals #morningpep #nesting #whattodowhilepregnant #babyregistry #whattoputonbabyregistry #pregnancychecklist #pregnantchecklist #whattoexpect #expecting #firsttimemom #firstpregnancy

Get Your Brunch On

Meals are going to look decently different once you have babies in tow. Even the best babies and toddlers that go to a lot of restaurants are going to get antsy if you decide to take a long, luxurious brunch. The kind where you say, “Screw it!” and order a bottle of champagne because you have nowhere to be. (Well, skip that part until after the baby gets here actually….)

This week, five years after giving birth to my oldest, I had my first proper brunch with a friend. And it. was. glorious. And it made me remember how this used to be just a thing I could do – at least without finding a sitter, and having cash on hand for said sitter, and praying the sitter doesn’t get the stomach flu beforehand. So grab your boo or your bestie and do brunch.

Sleep In

I know, I know. When you’re pregnant everyone and their Mother will tell you “Sleep while you can! Because after that baby comes it’s all over!” And it is so. freaking. annoying. Because it’s not like you can bottle up that extra sleep and store it for when you’re exhausted in the middle of the night!

Plus, all babies are not terrible sleepers – how dare they try to curse you like that? Personally? I bet you’re going to get an awesome baby that totally sleeps through the night by four weeks.

But there is a sad truth that I haven’t found a way to get around: Kids are not big fans of sleeping in. Or letting you sleep in. And if I’m honest, that’s what I miss most. Lazy mornings drinking coffee in bed, sitting on my laptop, watching TV in the background. Or laying in bed watching a show with my husband and lazily talking about what our weekend is going to look like.

So while you can’t bottle up thse lazy Saturday mornings in bed, you can at least make some nice memories to get you through the next several years when you have a slightly different morning experience.

Related Post: Get Better Sleep in 5 Easy Steps

Make a Baby Registry

I know this one seems like it’s for the baby, and one you’ve heard before, but hear me out! There are a TON of really awesome things that you totally need as a new Mom. Fun stuff like pretty teething jewelry and awesome coffee mugs. We may have even known someone who registered for Diet Coke and actually gotten it. And yes, she’s our hero now.

So while you’re making your registry don’t forget about all the things YOU might actually want – and totally deserve by the way. If you need extra ideas, check out our list of things you should absolutely add to your registry!

Related Post: Celebrate YOU with these Amazing Baby Registry Hacks

Brush Up on Your Comebacks

Warning: People are going to say a LOT of stupid stuff once your baby is here. Maybe it will be people asking you when you’re due after you’ve given birth. Or maybe you’ll get a neverending barrage of people that can’t quite figure out if your baby is a girl or a boy.

Maybe your kid will look just like your partner and even though you just pushed out a 9 and a half pound watermelon and would like maybe a little credit for it they just. won’t. shut up about it! (Or is that just me?)

Basically the lesson is this: There is NO LIMIT to the stupid things people will say to you. Be prepared to defend every choice you make on how you feed your baby, diaper your baby, have your baby sleep, hold your baby, wear or not wear your baby, stay home with your baby, ALL OF IT.

Our recommendation? Try to make your comebacks as snarky as possible. For the most part, the Nosy Nellies deserve it.

Take Your Prenatals

Yes, sometimes we have to do boring stuff to prep for baby too. But that doesn’t mean that there can’t be awesome side effects for us too. Luckily, we found these awesome prenatal vitamins from Morning Pep that are both prenatals and help with morning sickness! They’re made with a special blend that aids with morning sickness and nausea in one easy to swallow tablet. Bonus points for them helping out with those hormonal moodswings, am I right?

I’ve been through three pregnancies so far and have personally always hated taking my prenatal vitamins. I know, I know, but I just hate swallowing pills, and they always make me a little bit nauseous. Let’s face it, pregnancy isn’t that glamorous for us normal folk, so willingly adding something to the routine that makes me feel even worst just isn’t very high up on my list of priorities.

Thankfully, Morning Pep’s prenatal vitamins are odorless and tasteless to help combat any nausea usually related to taking prenatal vitamins. And, of course, there’s all the great for baby stuff, like their special formula that is maximally effective to support brain, eye and nervous system function.

Plus, they offer a 90 day satisfaction or your money back guarantee and you can purchase them through Amazon, which are pretty much two of my favorite things! If you want to try them out – don’t forget to use this link and our excusive promo code THESALTYMAMAS at checkout!

Overwhelmed by all the other responsible things you should be doing while you’re pregnant? You don’t need to be! Check out the Oh Baby Pregnancy Planner! This handy – and adorable – planner guides you step by step through pregnancy and beyond.  Enjoy planning for your baby’s arrival with 50+ pages that will keep you organized, prepared, and ready to tackle mom life! Grab yours here!