10 School Readiness Skills (That Have NOTHING to Do with Academics!)

Is your child ready to start school? Whether it's preschool, transitional kindergarten, or kindergarten itself, don't forget these 10 skills that they NEED to have before they start. Find them all at TheSaltyMamas.com.

A new school year brings with it many things- new backpacks. New uniforms. New teachers. And for some of us it brings new experiences.  When you first set out to prepare your kids for their FIRST first day of school, a million questions pop into your mind. Have we mastered the preschool readiness skills? What does my child need to know before TK starts? Will they be okay without me?

As a former teacher, I was surprised to find that I had exactly the same concerns when my daughter went to school for the first time. I felt like there were soooo many things I wanted to teach her before school started- and believe it or not, letters and numbers were the least of my concerns!

When it comes to school readiness, there are more important things to focus on (things like independence, how to get along with others, and fine motor skills) that will free up the teacher’s time to teach academics.  So if you find yourself wondering, “is my child ready for school?” Well, here’s ten things that you can teach your kids before school starts that your child’s Kindergarten/TK/Pre-K teacher will LOVE you for.

Is your child ready to start school? Whether it's preschool, transitional kindergarten, or kindergarten itself, don't forget these 10 skills that they NEED to have before they start. Find them all at TheSaltyMamas.com.

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How to Have a Successful Day at Disneyland

As I sit here in our staycation suite, thanking the little baby Jesus that I somehow – finally – MIRACULOUSLY got all three of my spawn to nap at the same time I can’t help but reflect on the past couple of days…and how freaking good they went. Sorry, this is … Read More

When Dance Parties Go Bad

The morning started out in our usual way. Mommy makes coffee for herself, breakfast for all the kids, makes Cole’s lunch while the kids eat, and then once the kids are done/too restless to eat without making a bigger mess than I’m prepared to handle we move to the living … Read More

Road Tripping

Looking for a way to road trip with your kids- WITHOUT losing your mind? We've got ten tips to road trip like a boss, from thesaltymamas.com. #roadtripwithkids #vacationwithkids #familyroadtrip

Have you planned the ultimate family road trip? Well, if you just realized you actually need to bring – and entertain – your family on the trip, you might be slightly less excited. There’s a lot to think of from family road trip essentials to fun ideas for long road trips, and we’ve got you covered on all of it!

So I’m not trying to brag or anything, but…well I totally am. I’m shamelessly going to proclaim myself the queen of taking road trips with kids, because everyone has gifts, and this may well be mine. My family ROCKS at road trips.

Lest you think I’m gloating about being good at all things #momlife, I’m currently writing this while draped over my crying one year old, making shushing sounds in his ear. So for sure I don’t have it all figured out.

But traveling alone with a toddler or two? Coming up with fun ideas for long road trips? Yeah, I’m your girl. My kids have been road tripping since infancy. We drive two hour stretches very often, like monthly. And we’ve taken many, many 9+ hour trips, from when we had one tiny baby to today. Like, TODAY today.

So maybe I’m not an expert, but I am very experienced. Here’s a few tips, so you can gain from my wisdom learn from my mistakes.

Looking for a way to road trip with your kids- WITHOUT losing your mind? We've got ten tips to road trip like a boss, from thesaltymamas.com. #roadtripwithkids #vacationwithkids #familyroadtrip

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Those “Cheap” Summer Movies

Looking for a way to save money on movie theater concessions? Try this trick from thesaltymamas.com #savingmoney #movieswithkids #familymovies

Those summer movies may SEEM like a deal- until your kid discovers the concession stand. How we save money- and still get treats!- at those “cheap” summer movies, from thesaltymamas.com.