Things We Overheard at Holiday Parties

Ahh, it’s that time of year again. The lights! The food! The parties! The inappropriate board games! The passive-aggression!  Read on for a list of things we have overheard at holiday parties so far this year.

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Five Reasons to Hate Fall (And A Few Things We Love)

If you’ve been on the internet for six minutes or more in the last week, you’ll have heard the good news: Fall is HERE! And everyone LOVES IT. Grab your first PSL of the season and hop onto your Fall Pinterest board!

Which is cool, fall’s our favorite season, too. Both of The Salty Mamas have birthdays in October. We have a Salty Baby in October, an anniversary in October, and despite our conflicting feelings on all things pumpkin, neither of us will turn down a yummy baked good. In fact, we like fall so much, we liked it in 2004 when everyone was freaking out over summer.

But now fall is on trend. Which, fine. I guess. The truth is, it makes us a little Salty.

SO, despite how much we LOVE the season, we’ve decided to keep it real and tell you the reasons we hate fall (and a couple of little things we love).

Why fall isn't worth all the hype! #PSL #pumpkinspice #Halloween #fall #falldecor #pumpkinspicelatte #fallrecipes #fallprintable #freeprintable #fallbanner

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The Cure for Smugness

too happy family; text: feeling cocky about your parenting

If you find yourself being one of those parents that’s maybe a tiny bit smug? (She says with authority, because, confession – she’s been there) You’re in luck. I have the cure for you! It’s one simple step. Ready for this: Have another kid. That’s it. If that still doesn’t … Read More

Will I Ever Sleep Again? How to Get More Zzzs as a New Mom

new mom trying to get more sleep

Ain’t no tired like mom-with-young kids tired. But there are lots of sneaky ways to get more sleep as a mom. If you find yourself wondering, “Will I ever sleep again?” Well, the answer is complicated- but we CAN help.

Once upon a time, I was a young, naïve person, that thought sleep was just a basic human right. Maybe it was written into the Constitution even…the Ten Commandments? I command thee to sleep! It made sense to me. Because whatever the case, I basically went to bed when I wanted to and woke up when I wanted to.

Sure I had a job that required me to get to work by 8:30, but I – perhaps foolishly – considered myself a “morning person” and never had a problem with that schedule.

I wasn’t one of those losers that sleeps the day away.

Then kids.

And I realized that sleep is no right. It’s a privilege. Nay, it’s a down right luxury.

In case I forgot? My kids got me up at 4am today – while I’m on vacation. I took a walk with the baby in the pitch dark. Watched the sunrise. Got some work done. And was grumpy as hell about it. Because I may be a “morning person” but I have a strong belief that anything before 6am is NOT the morning. That is the middle of the night.

You might find yourself asking, “will I ever sleep again?” We’ve been there, and we can tell you- it gets better. So if you’re caught in the complete physical and mental mind eff that is zero sleep, and absolutely understand why sleep deprivation is considered torture, here are three little tips for how to get more sleep as a mom. At least once in a while.

new mom trying to get more sleep

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