Starting Your Day Like A #MomBoss

6 Ways to Start Your Day Like a Boss, Meet Your Goals, and Make Your Resolutions a Reality, from #NewYearsResolutions #MiracleMorning #GoalSetting
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2017 was a big year for my family and, to a larger extent, a big year for ME. I called it the Year of Jaymi, and I spent the year finding the best ways to relax, to indulge, and to carve out time for myself.  I bullet journaled, I drank fancy coffee, I went on trips with my friends, and I took on two side jobs that helped me to put my unique talents to work in a way that brought more joy to my life. And it was AMAZING.

And also? It was busy. Really, really busy.

So how did I fit those extra jobs, side hustles, and self-care into my slam-packed, childcare and housework filled days? It took planning and mindfulness on a daily basis, but I found that “having it all” was easier than I thought once I started my day off with a fresh routine. And the best part is? You can do it, too. Here’s my tips for starting your day with a BANG.

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Making Time to Be Creative (If You’re Into That Sort of Thing)

It can be so hard to find time to be creative when you're a mom. Here's how to make it work, from #crafting #craftymom

Let’s preface this one by saying- you don’t HAVE to be creative just because you’re a mama. Your parties don’t have to have carefully paper-crafted banners. Your kids’ sandwiches can be sandwich-shaped, your kids water cups don’t have to be personalized with vinyl, you don’t have to make your own home décor, and you CERTAINLY don’t have to sew your daughter thematic skirts for every holiday.

Repeat-you don’t HAVE to.

But some of us? Some of us WANT to.

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Bullet Journaling in a Passion Planner

Overwhelmed by the idea of starting a bullet journal? We've got the perfect solution for you in the Passion Planner! Read more at

Want an easier way to bullet journal? Try bullet journaling in a passion planner. It’s the best of both worlds- here’s why.

As followers of the blog know, Christine and I are BIG fans of bullet journaling. We love the organization it provides, we love the pretty trackers and layouts, and we LOVE the supplies.  It was everything I wanted from a planner system- until it wasn’t.

The number one question I always got asked about Bullet Journaling was, “But doesn’t that take up a lot of time?” And the short answer is yes, it does.  Creating weekly layouts, monthly calendars, elaborate trackers- all of these things take up precious time. And as long as you’re enjoying the time spent making those things, it doesn’t feel like work at all.

But then Lila started elementary school, Abe became a person with his own activities to keep up with, and I got the part-time job of my dreams. There were blogging deadlines and birthdays to remember and things to buy. And spending time making pretty weekly spreads suddenly went WAY down on my priority list. I needed something with better functionality, but that still left room for the things I loved most about bullet journaling.

Enter: the Passion Planner.

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Bujo to Pick Your Favorite Kid

As I’ve mentioned, I love me some bujo (bullet journaling). And God bless Pinterest for giving me all kinds of awesome inspiration – it’s a FABULOUS resource when you’re looking for monthly or weekly spreads, list ideas and trackers, ALL the trackers! But I have noticed a serious lack of bullet … Read More

Micro Luxury Monday: For the Love of Bullet Journaling

This post includes affiliate links, which means we’ll earn a small commission off of purchases made by clicking through. Thanks for supporting The Salty Mamas! When I was in high school, my 10th grade History teacher made us all take our notes in a spiral notebook – the bane of … Read More