10 Things That All Toddlers Do

toddler on swing; text: 10 things all toddlers have in common

I know they say “every kid is different.” And while they’re right, there are a few things that all toddlers do (well, almost all anyways). Here are the things that pretty much every toddler has in common, from two moms with 6 kids between them. I mean…toddlers. Am I right? … Read More

Funniest Parenting Tweets About Coffee

20 hilarious parenting tweets about coffee

Need a cup (or pot) of coffee to deal with your kids in the morning? You are not alone! So go reheat your lukewarm coffee, sit down, and check out the funniest parenting tweets about coffee. 

Coffee. The daytime life blood of parents. And yet, we never seem to actually get to drink one warm cup no matter how hard we try. So whether your coffee is hot, cold, lukewarm or served with a side of broccoli (one of our more depressing experiences) the parents of Twitter have been there too. So we hope you enjoy these Tweets – and that they make you feel a little less bad about your own sad coffee.

For more funny Tweets, make sure to follow us @saltymamas on Twitter!

20 hilarious parenting tweets about coffee

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Funniest Distance Learning Tweets that are SO 2020

Struggling through distance learning with your kids? Let’s look on the sunny side- or at least laugh about the darkside!- together with these collection of hilarious tweets about distance learning.

I think we can all agree that this year looks…different than any other school year we’ve ever been through! As we all work through figuring out Zoom and common core and just being around our kids all day long it can be super overwhelming.

If you’re anything like us? You might feel like bursting into tears at any moment. And you know what they say, if you don’t laugh – you’ll cry. So let’s laugh instead with these hilarious back to school tweets – distance learning edition! Because if the funniest distance learning tweets can’t turn your day around, it might be time to cancel school for the day. 

little girl on computer; text: funniest distance learning tweets

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The 9 Friends You Need For Your Pregnancy “Village”

group of mom friends; text: 9 friends all pregnant moms need

Trying to find a pregnancy village? Finding your people isn’t the easiest, but if you’re looking for a pregnancy support system, here are the 7 friends you need to get you through.

I mean, you’ve heard this saying before- “It takes a village to raise a child.” And while the saying’s not wrong, we think the saying is also missing a little something.

After all, it also takes a village to raise a mother. 

Pregnancy is exhausting. It can drain you physically, and it can leave you wondering if pregnancy can actually, literally make you crazy. We’d argue that pregnancy can be one of the hardest life transitions for a woman, but you’re going to hear more about what a “magical” time it is. (Which can leave you feeling insanely frustrated if it’s less than magical for you.)

So where can a pregnant mama turn? 

If you’re building a pregnancy village, either online at somewhere like The Bump or Meetup, or in person with people you know, there are some key characters you need to add to your crew. Here are our top suggestions for the 7 friends a woman needs to get her through her pregnancy (and beyond).

pregnant woman with text overlay that says "9 friends pregnant moms need in their life"

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