Road Tripping

Looking for a way to road trip with your kids- WITHOUT losing your mind? We've got ten tips to road trip like a boss, from #roadtripwithkids #vacationwithkids #familyroadtrip

Have you planned the ultimate family road trip? Well, if you just realized you actually need to bring – and entertain – your family on the trip, you might be slightly less excited. There’s a lot to think of from family road trip essentials to fun ideas for long road trips, and we’ve got you covered on all of it!

So I’m not trying to brag or anything, but…well I totally am. I’m shamelessly going to proclaim myself the queen of taking road trips with kids, because everyone has gifts, and this may well be mine. My family ROCKS at road trips.

Lest you think I’m gloating about being good at all things #momlife, I’m currently writing this while draped over my crying one year old, making shushing sounds in his ear. So for sure I don’t have it all figured out.

But traveling alone with a toddler or two? Coming up with fun ideas for long road trips? Yeah, I’m your girl. My kids have been road tripping since infancy. We drive two hour stretches very often, like monthly. And we’ve taken many, many 9+ hour trips, from when we had one tiny baby to today. Like, TODAY today.

So maybe I’m not an expert, but I am very experienced. Here’s a few tips, so you can gain from my wisdom learn from my mistakes.

Looking for a way to road trip with your kids- WITHOUT losing your mind? We've got ten tips to road trip like a boss, from #roadtripwithkids #vacationwithkids #familyroadtrip

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For the Love of Being Right

Things you should know about me: I LOVE to be right. I HATE to be wrong. Now sure, most of us do, but I’m brave enough to admit that I can be kind of, well, obnoxious about it. I’m also incredibly stubborn. I know, it’s an incredibly attractive combination ain’t … Read More

Alexa is My Co-Parent

Considering getting an Amazon Echo? You should. You really, really should. Read more on why Alexa is the PERFECT lady robot/coparent at

Divide and Conquer

Ahh. It’s the weekend. Everybody’s home, there are activities galore, and it’s time for a well-deserved respite from the day-to-day.  The kids feel the difference in the air, and they start putting in requests. After all, there are no limits today- you want a popsicle? Sure. 76 hours of Peppa … Read More

A Relaxing Trip to the Cabin

#momlife #vacation #trip #roadtrip

Laughing already? I am too. Once upon a time, Chad and I used to spend lazy summer weekends at his family cabin in the Sierra’s. We would pack up the car, drive a pleasant few hours, and plant ourselves in hammocks. I’d bring a stack of library books, eagerly anticipating … Read More