Like a lot of new moms out there, I found myself in a bit of a slump after settling in to life as a mom of two. Not in a clinical sense for me, but in an existential crisis kind of way. Who was I, beyond my life as a mother? What were my goals, what were my individual interests, what did I want for my life? With a baby and a preschooler who decided to give up napping, my life as a stay at home mom had changed drastically. There were no double naps anymore, no break for me during the day, and certainly no time for myself. I was a little bit adrift, and a little bit lost, and I just needed SOMETHING to get me back on track. Enter: The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.
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A friend had told me about the book and the impact it had on her life. The basic philosophy is that you wake up earlier than you typically do- the author recommends an hour, but really it’s whatever you can manage- and live that first hour of your day on purpose. The Miracle Morning suggests a few key habits to start your day off right- such as drinking water, getting dressed, exercising, reading, writing, and meditating- but there is plenty of flexibility to create the morning that works for you. Making the Miracle Morning for Moms requires a little bit of creativity and effort, but I promise it can be done. It looks a little different for everyone, but the idea is to start your day meaningfully and with intention, and to reap the rewards all day long.
I should tell you now that I am a sleeper. If I don’t get a full night’s sleep, I get cranky, and then sobby, and eventually I get sick. But even with taking all of that into consideration, I am STILL a strong believer in setting that alarm clock, waking up, and punching the day right in the face. It’s the best way to start the day as ME, the me that I want to be- with the added benefit of a little quiet time.
Related Post: Adapting The Miracle Morning to Meet Your Needs
Plan Your Miracle Morning for Moms
Now my kids usually wake up about six or six thirty, but I’m terrified that they’re going to throw my whole thing off and wake up at 5:30, so I get up around 5 to be on the safe side. We all know that kids can be unpredictable, so it’s important to do a little work up front to make sure that you get the time to yourself that you need. The night before, I lay out my planner, my pens, my book, and my laptop on the kitchen table. I put my workout clothes in the bathroom so I can get dressed without waking up everyone that lives in my tiny house, and I put my dog’s leash outside so that he won’t wake everyone up with his “I’m going for a run” dance when he sees it. I brew a pot of coffee that will be hot and ready the minute I finish my run. I need my morning to be all set up so that when my toes touch the floor, I’m ready to get as much accomplished as I can before my kids wake up and ruin everything need my attention.
Make It Work For You
It’s taken me some time to figure out what my perfect morning looks like, and it will probably take some time for you to figure out yours. For example you’re meant to start your day out with a full glass of water. Personally, I skip the water, because water in the morning makes me gag, so that’s that. The Miracle Morning for Moms is bound to look a little different for everyone, as we are all individuals with different goals, interests, and kid-alarm-clocks. So don’t get discouraged if it takes you a little while to get in the groove.
I start the morning off with a run, because I kind of hate exercise, and if I don’t do it first thing it likely won’t get done. And then as soon as I get back home, the fun part begins. I pour my giant cup of coffee, and I spend the remainder of my time- whether I have ten minutes until the kids get up, or an hour- in activities that give me peace, fulfillment, and structure.
I start by meditating, which frankly, I kind of suck at, but MAN do I need it. If you’ve read the book You Are a Badass, you’ll recognize her advice to say a mantra in your mind while you’re learning to be a better meditater. So I either say “I am one with the force, and the force is with me” or “I am a badass mother*cker” over and over in my head for about five minutes. It’s ridiculous, and a little embarrassing, but it also lights a fire under me, so it’s what I do.
I also have a page of affirmations written out in my Passion Planner. I don’t know what affirmations are actually supposed to be like, but mine are more of intentions. I wrote down how I define myself and who I want to be, and I read them over daily. I like to do this right before I start planning out my day, as it helps me to set my priorities and decide what I want to focus on for the day.
Reading and Writing
I spend a few minutes working in my planner, read a chapter or two in a personal development book (like You Are a Badass, or Intuitive Eating), and then spend the rest of the time writing posts for the blog, or sometimes just reading a fiction book that I am in to. It’s a nice way to end my Miracle Morning for Moms, and bridges the gap between “me time” and “mommy time” nicely.
Related: Bullet Journaling in a Passion Planner
Sometimes my Miracle Morning just doesn’t happen, because kids or sickness or DON’T WANNA. Sometimes I get a full hour and a half to myself each day, and others I’m lucky to eek out ten minutes. But waking up because I choose to, and dedicating the first portion of my day to ME? It’s worth every minute of sleep lost.
Intrigued, and want to learn more? We go into more depth about the strategies of The Miracle Morning- and how to adapt it to meet YOUR needs- in the second part of this series.
I haven’t read this book but I like your summary. You’re not crazy at all, I’m up for giving this a try. I need to revamp my routine. Have you read the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People? Your affirmations or intentions sound like your personal mission statement which is 1 of the 7 habits – you’re onto something!
I have heard interviews about this book for some time. Mostly men that are entrepreneurs it is nice to hear it from a mama. I have a love and hate relationship with the miracle morning because I don’t have a miracle wife. It has some relevance for us do it all moms but it definitely needs modifications.
I am definitely a morning me time person. I feel cheated and cranky all day if I don’t get it . Also a HUGE believer in meditation,zzzzs but only so so in making it happen I don’t have nearly the focus you have… I’ve tried from time to time to plan my morning and feel great when I do it. Maybe time to refocus in that regard ❤️
I love sleep. I hate getting up early. Having a baby just reinforced how wonderful and precious sleep really is. But dammit “waking up, and punching the day right in the face” really spoke to me. I may try this 🙂