Walk Your Way to Cash: How to Make Money with Step Bet

Looking for a new way to get healthy- and make some extra cash? We’ve got the scoop on how to make money with StepBet. And if you’re wondering, “does step bet work?” Well, the answer may just surprise you.

Let’s face it. Working out is on the back burner in my life. I mean, yes, I YMCA for the free childcare and in theory when I drop them off I head straight upstairs and hop on the treadmill where I WORK IT for a full hour. But sometimes I just.need.to.sit. And read. Or bujo. Or BE without three kids climbing all over each other, refereeing fights, and doing the Mom thing.

But relaxing doesn’t help me fit into my old jeans.

Unfortunately, not fitting into my old jeans hasn’t proved to be enough of a motivator. However, I have learned, in my new fiscally-conservative role as a SAHM that money is a BIG motivator for me.

Enter: Step Bet- the app that will pay you to workout.

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How Does Step Bet Work?

Step Bet is an awesome app where you can join Step Games(challenges) and WIN MONEY! The app syncs with your activity tracker as you compete against yourself – which is my favorite part. I am completely in control of whether I win this bet or not. So you can’t get stuck with someone that is a mail carrier and takes 40k steps per day or something insane, causing you to give up immediately.

Rather, the app takes your current activity tracker data and then sets you new goals. I had been particularly lazy just before I signed up, so my goals were pretty manageable 😉 My active goal was 7,279 steps and my stretch goal was 9,579 steps.

Each Monday through Sunday I had to hit my active goal 4 times, my stretch goal 2 times and I got one rest day. I also REALLY liked this, because, let’s face it, we all deserve a rest day!


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Okay, Okay- But How Do You Make Money With Step Bet?

My Step Bet lasted 6 weeks and cost $40 to join. We had 517 players for a grand total of over TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS in the pot! (Okay, sorry, don’t get too excited, I’m not winning $20K!) BUT, if I hit my goals I DO win my $40 back AND a cut of the $40 from all the people that didn’t win! Step Bet also takes a cut (currently 12.5%) to pay for support during the game for you, game hosts and referees, so basically the money from the first few people to drop out.

Related Post: How to Workout (When You’re Tired AF)

Is a StepBet Membership Worth It?

You’re not going to win millions of dollars using Step Bet, but you’d be amazed at how motivated I’d be every time I checked to see 2 or 3 or 7 people drop out! Even if it only meant a few extra cents in my profits.

Which is why I walked and walked and walked and JUST finished my first Step Bet last night. I’m terrible at math and am waiting for the final results, but it should be around $10 profit, so I’ll be getting $50 back! (Which my husband likes to point out is a really good return on a $40 investment in only 6 weeks).   23376963_10215048225745405_750238188_o

And YAY for my $50 cash-out, but I’m tossing $40 right back in and doing it again! Because I’m still money motivated (and STILL not in those jeans)!


If you’ve been wondering if Step Bet works, or waiting to join- it’s time to pull the plug and go for it. You’ve got nothing to lose (except those few pounds you’ve been trying to get rid of).

For more info and to find answers to all your questions, check out the Step Bet FAQs – and be sure to let me know if you’re joining!!! 

Looking for more ways to take better care of yourself? Head here next-

#microhustle #makemoney #SAHM #makemoneyfromhome #healthy #stepbet #fitbit #applehealth
The incredibly easy way I made $50 just by WALKING – and how you can too!

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