Now that the kids are a little older, we’re back to a pastime we loved long before the babies arrived- going to the movies. It’s always been an expensive hobby- once you factor in tickets and concessions, you’re looking at a decent $40 price tag. But now that we’ve got double the people in tow? We’re looking for creative ways to save money at the movies wherever we can find them.
Once we were sure that Abram could sit through a movie (we tested it out with those cheap summer movies we love so much), we decided to take the kids to a proper, new release. $80 later (I’m not exaggerating!) we had been entertained for a couple of hours, and had a lot less money to show for it.
It took us a couple of years (and a LOT of wasted money) to come up with these money saving movie hacks, but once you’ve got them down, you’ll find that you get a lot more bang for your buck at the theater. So pop a little popcorn now, sit back, and enjoy this list of creative ways to save money at the movies.