Feeling a Little Salty? You’re Not Alone!

We’re Christine and Jaymi, two salty mamas with seven kids between us. We’re happy to be your virtual mom squad!

With lazy-mom approved kids activities, snarky playdate chatter, and little ways to make your life more fun, we’re here to make your momlife a little sweeter.

Even when you’re feeling salty.

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Need help potty traiing your little boy? We've got the tips and tricks you need to potty train your toddler quickly at TheSaltyMamas.com. #pottytraining #toddler #pottytrainingaboy #toddlerboy #parenting #kids #potty #adviceformoms
10 Amazing, Engaging, NO PREP Busy Bags for Babies and Toddlers, from TheSaltyMamas.com.
Looking for a toddler daily schedule that will help your child THRIVE (without a ton of prep?) Get your copy now, from thesaltymamas.com.

Here for the Laughs?

20 hilarious parenting tweets about coffee
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Hilarious and real back to school tweets from Moms and Dads who GET IT! #backtoschool #firstdayofschool #twitterroundup #tweetroundup #mommyhumor #momhumor #traditions #kindergarten #preschool #firstdayofschool2018 #firstdayofpreschool #firstdayofpreschool2018 #firstdayofkindergarten #firstdayofkindergarten2018 #backtoschool2018
Hint: Not as clean as you might think. Unless your mother-in-law is coming, that is. Read our funny take on cleaning tips, from thesaltymamas.com.

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Starting Your Day Like A #MomBoss

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2017 was a big year for my family and, to a larger extent, a big year for ME. I called it the Year of Jaymi, and I spent the year finding the best ways to relax, to indulge, and to carve out time for myself.  I bullet journaled, I drank fancy coffee, I went on trips with my friends, and I took on two side jobs that helped me to put my unique talents to work in a way that brought more joy to my life. And it was AMAZING. And also? It was busy. Really, really busy. So how did I fit those extra jobs, side hustles, and self-care into my slam-packed, childcare and housework filled days? It took planning and mindfulness on a daily basis, but I found that “having it all” was easier than I thought once I started my day off with a fresh routine. And the best part is? You can do it, too. Here’s my tips for starting your day with a BANG.

How to Be Less Busy This Year

Kids are busy. I know, I know, understatement off the year. Not only are they just busy little people, but then they do all the things! Sports, school events, and the birthday parties. Holy God the birthday parties! And if you have more than one kid, it just gets exponentially more insane. If you don’t…

New Year’s Resolution: Drop the Just

One of the hallmarks of any small talk situation is the standard question, “So, what do you do for a living?

It used to be a question I was really comfortable with. I was always so proud of my answers. Whether I was “bartending my way through grad school,” “being a teacher’s assistant and leading my own classes at Cal State Long Beach,” or “working in fundraising for a non-profit” I always felt like I was doing something good. Something important.

Cheap and Easy Class Gifts

Need some cheap and easy class gift ideas for students? Whether you’re looking for kindergarten or preschool class gifts, we’ve got you covered with these fun (and simple!) ideas.

You think you’re done with your holiday prep. You’ve baked. You’ve shopped. You’ve even wrapped. You have done the impossible- you’ve finished Christmas a full week ahead of time. You pat yourself on the back for a job well done and prepare yourself for a blissful evening drinking a glass of wine and watching “Love Actually” one more time.

And then you get a sweet little note from your child’s lovely teacher (and I mean that. She is SO wonderful), asking that you send twenty identical kindergarten class gifts to school the day after tomorrow. And since said teacher is seriously SO wonderful, you decide to oblige her one last request.

I mean, you cry first, of course. But then you get to brainstorming.

So, if you’re like us and find yourself with one more twenty little preschool class gifts to buy, might we suggest a few ideas for class gifts for students…

A bundle of cinnamon stick a pinecone and a pair of scissors next to felt. Text overlay: The best cheap and easy class gifts.