Looking for a fun, low pressure way to connect with your tweens? These card games for tweens are quick, low pressure, and LOTS of fun. They’re a sure way to spend time with your kids that you’ll BOTH enjoy!
As my daughter has gotten older, we’re having to learn new ways to connect with each other. She doesn’t want to play barbies with me anymore (which, honestly, thank goodness, because I was never a fan), but she still wants to spend time with me.
The in-between phase can be hard on everyone, but we all still want the chance to spend time with our kids in fun ways.
Luckily, having older kids brings on a brand new phase- spending time together on activities that we BOTH actually like!
So if you’re looking for quick, meaningful ways to spend time with your older kids (ages 8-12) too, check out this list of the best card games for tweens.
Introducing your preschooler to scissors? We’ve got a list of super fun cutting activities for preschoolers to help them learn how to use scissors in fun, safe, and easy way. Read on for our best ideas, (written by a preschool teacher!) As a preschool teacher, there are two school readiness … Read More
Got the bad-weather blues? We’ve got tons of rainy day indoor activities for stir-crazy kids. From ways to burn energy indoors to the best activities for sick kids, we’ve got all the ideas you need to fill up a day stuck-at-home day.
Let me start by saying- I am not a Stay at Home Mom. I mean, I AM. That’s what anyone would call me. But the title is so, so inaccurate.
I am a take-kids-to-swim-lessons mom. I am a host-a-playdate-mom. I am a go-to-the-beach mom, a running-errands mom, a might-as-well-be-a-chauffeur-mom. I don’t go to work everyday, but I’m also not likely to be found at home, either.
But sometimes? We HAVE to stay home. Because we’re potty training, or waiting on an appliance repair person, or someone is contagious (even though they feel fine). Maybe it’s too hot, or maybe there’s snow. Or maybe it’s freaking dangerous to be around other people and your best bet is to keep your butt at home.
But for whatever reason, sometimes you just have to stay home all day. And if you’re into that sort of thing? That’s likely not a problem. But if you’re not? You’re trying to fill the longest.day.ever. with activities for stir-crazy kids.
After a recent Hand-Foot-Mouth scare over at our place, we found ourselves quarantined. No one felt particularly sick, but we’d been advised to stay away from our friends for a day or two.
Lila took it hard (I might as well have handed home a death sentence), but I took it upon myself to seize the day and make it an amazing one.
So if you find yourself in a similar position, we’ve got some super fun activities for stir-crazy kids that will make that long day at home a fun one, too.
If you’ve been watching our stories on Instagram, you’ll notice we’ve been making a real push to get open ended art into the hands of more children. Process art for toddlers seems so daunting at first- people are afraid of the mess, or don’t know where to start- but they don’t have to be complicated. With a little inspiration, and a tiny bit of prep, you’ll be able to get some easy toddler art projects under way in no time.
Process art activities range from the very simple (think an easel with little pots of paint) to the more complex (like our recycled materials painting wall, see below). The beauty is that you and your kids get to decide how elaborate your process based art projects are going to be. The idea is to keep process art for toddlers fun, simple, and creative, and to let the kids take it from there.
So if you are looking for some easy process art for kids, we’ve got a few ideas that you can do this week, with materials you’ve already got on hand. Collect some supplies, bust out the paint, and you’ll be watching your kids create and explore art in a whole new way in no time!
Being home with my kids is a blessing. I know it. Most days, I’m grateful. Most days are fantastic. And then there are those OTHER days. The days where you’re bored, and the kids are bored, and everyone is just a little bit off. The fact that the day is SUPPOSED to be a blessing somehow makes the whole thing worse, and you find yourself with a case of the Mondays on a Wednesday morning. The toddler schedule isn’t working, you’re not the fun and funny mom you usually are, and you’re questioning your ability to actually parent these tiny little monsters. You start to spiral, and then decide that, come Hell or high water, this day will be salvaged. You will BEAT these stay at home mom problems. You pour yourself a cup of coffee, take a deep breath, and begin your journey through the various levels of parenting desperation.