Need to kill an hour or so? With about five minutes of prep, this baking soda and vinegar process art for preschoolers or toddlers will definitely fill the need! They’ll practice color names, fine motor skills and (suprisingly!) probably not even make a mess with this fun baking soda experiment for kids.
Okay, this may seem counterintuitive to some. But when my kids are being decidedly EXTRA, I don’t try to calm them down. Frankly, it’s a losing battle, and I just end up feeling like I’m banging my head against the wall.
And one or more of us often end up crying.
Instead, I meet them in that very-extra place with an activity that seems very-extra to them. Sensory activities are usually my go to, and this baking soda and vinegar process art is my Hail Mary on an extra wiggly day inside.
With about five minutes worth of prep and ingredients you probably already have on hand, baking soda and vinegar is the the perfect way to mesmerize (and calm down) busy toddler bodies.
And I hope you bought that baking soda in bulk- because they’re going to want to do this one again, and again, and again.
Read on for the full instructions on how to set up a baking soda process art activity on your own, right here at home!