Easter Egg Activities for Kids- Art Projects and STEM Activities Your Kids Will Love!

Repurpose plastic Easter eggs with these fun STEM and art activities for toddlers

Have a bunch of plastic eggs you don’t want to toss? From repurposed plastic Easter egg process art to Easter Egg STEM activities, we’ve got something for everyone. So check out these fun and easy plastic Easter egg activities for kids – and keep your kids busy and having fun!

With Easter just passed and dozens of brightly colored plastic eggs everywhere, this Mama is a little overwhelmed. The clutter. The PLASTIC. And yes, we’ll bag them up and use them again next year so as not to create unnecessary plastic waste. But we also wanted to repurpose those plastic eggs! So we began to search for Easter Egg activities for kids that would entertain them for hours.

We got to brainstorming and here’s what we’re loving!

Repurpose plastic Easter eggs with these fun STEM and art activities for toddlers

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Do A Dot Transportation Art Project (with Free Printables!)

kids' transportation art; text: free printable transportation do a dot art

Looking for transportation arts and crafts for preschoolers? We think these free do a dot transportation printables will do the trick! Easy for you, and FUN for them. Read on to get the instructions and get your free printable templates.

My son is suddenly OBSESSED with all things transportation theme. He makes tracks for his toy cars outside. He begs me to add vehicles to his sensory bins. He even brought his monster trucks into a full-on painting project.

So when I needed to find an art activity for him that would also work on his fine motor skills, I knew exactly what I needed to come up with. These transportation arts and crafts for preschoolers fit a lot of his needs (pencil grip practice, big arm movements, and that bang! bang! bang! do a dot markers provide) while still giving me what I wanted.

And that’s cute art for my fridge, gosh darn it!

We developed these do a dot transportation printables with your vehicle-loving toddlers and preschoolers in mind. And the best part? These templates are totally free to our subscriber list. Read on for instructions (and to find out how to get those adorable printables!)

kids' transportation art; text: free printable transportation do a dot art

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FREE Cutting and Pasting Activity Using Grocery Ads

images of grocery ad art project; text: making art of grocery ads

Got extra grocery ads lying around? Turn them into a totally free cutting and pasting craft for toddlers. It’s a great way to get in some free scissor practice, AND to buy yourself a few minutes to make your grocery list, too!

When my daughter was younger, we had a Monday morning ritual. We’d pour ourselves a cup of coffee and a glass of milk (you can guess whose was whose), sit down at the kitchen table, and look over the grocery ads that came in the mail. 

We’d look at the foods, talk about which ones we’d like and dislike, and sometimes choose a new food to try.

As we chatted, I had a bigger goal in mind- making my grocery list in preparation for our grocery shopping trip later in the morning.

Over time, she got less interested in having the same conversation over and over, and I started looking for a new way to keep her busy while meal planning. 

Armed with just scissors, glue, and a paper plate, we stumbled on a fun, easy-to-repeat, totally free cutting and pasting activity for toddlers. It’s so simple and low prep, but has TONS of opportunity for genuine learning experiences for kids.

So let’s take a look at how to turn those free grocery ads into a HUGE learning opportunity for toddlers (and get you a little peace in the meantime!)

images of grocery ad art project; text: making art of grocery ads

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Celebrating Read Across America Day at Home

dr. seuss theme activities; text: celebrate dr. seuss birthday at home

If the last year has taught us anything, it’s how much teachers have helped us celebrate the holidays (big and small!) If you find yourself celebrating Read Across America day at home this year, don’t worry. We’ve got lots of ways to help celebrate Dr. Seuss’ Birthday, 2021 style.

Last year, my daughter was on day three of a low grade fever on Read Across America day. I don’t know how your elementary school does it, but our school makes a BIG deal of celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday. There are read alouds, crafts, games, and book exchanges. 

And one grumpy little lady who was VERY upset to be home sick, missing all the fun.

So we got a head start on what would be a whole year of at-home fun, and celebrated Read Across America Day right here at home.

So you’re if you’re trying to wring a little fun and excitement out of Dr. Seuss birthday at home with your kids this year, we’ve got some ways to help make it a fulfilling, low stress day.

dr. seuss theme activities; text: celebrate dr. seuss birthday at home

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Outdoor Activities for Your Transportation Theme

toy car wash for outdoor fun

Looking for some outdoor activities to supplement your transportation theme? Find ways for your vehicle-loving toddler or preschooler to play outside with this collection of fun transportation activities to do outdoors.

Some kids love animals. Some kids love baby dolls. Some are obsessed with their building blocks.

But the kids that love vehicles? Well, their dedication to all things that go often takes it to the next level. 

If you have a transportation loving kiddo in your life, you’ll know the particular joy they feel when they’re playing with their toys with wheels. They love to spot vehicles in the real world, build with their train sets, and line up their hot wheels.

So what better way to engage your toddler or preschooler than setting up some transportation themed outdoor activities? With low prep and high engagement, your little one will take these ideas and run with them. 

Read on for our list of fun transportation theme activities for kids to do outside!

toy car wash for outdoor fun

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