Truffula Tree Art Project for Preschoolers

If you’ve got some Lorax loving littles, they’re going to LOVE this Truffula Tree Art project. Whether you’re using the Lorax for earth day activities or for Dr. Seuss’ Birthday, this is an easy and fun Dr. Seuss art project for preschoolers and up. 

He’s got mixed reviews from teachers, but there is just something magical about a good old Dr. Seuss book. With lots of books and subsequent movies and shows, Dr. Seuss will always be a favorite for the preschool set.

My son’s favorite of all the Dr. Seuss books and movies is (to my surprise) The Lorax. When we found ourselves celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday at home in 2020, I came up with a Lorax themed art project for my kids. 

With a printable page to get them started, this Truffula Tree Art Project is the perfect way to get them creative, with very little prep and almost NO mess.

picture of truffula tree printable; text overlay: truffula tree art; free printable

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Rainbow Scavenger Hunt: A Painted Rock Activity for Toddlers

basket full of painted rocks; text overlay: painted rock rainbow scavenger hunt

Learning about rainbows with your preschooler? Or need a fun St. Patrick’s Day activity for your toddlers? Paint rainbow rocks, and send the kiddos on a rainbow scavenger hunt! This is a sweet, simple, time filling rainbow themed activity for kids your whole family is sure to love. 

I’m not usually a big fan of St. Patrick’s Day. All the St. Patrick’s Day activities my kids have ever done- leprechaun traps, treasure hunts, even putting potatoes in their shoes- have been conducted at school.

But last year, we were fresh into a stay at home order that would keep my kids home with me allll day long, leaving all of the magic making to me.

In a fit of desperation, I came up with a simple idea. We’d paint some rocks in the colors of the rainbow. The project evolved from a simple premise into almost a full day of play. 

Here’s how to set up your own rainbow rock painting activity for toddlers, and how to turn into an exciting rainbow scavenger hunt for kids afterwards.

basket full of painted rocks; text overlay: painted rock rainbow scavenger hunt

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Best Books About Transportation for Toddlers

The Best Board Books for Kids That Love Trucks

Wondering what the best books about transportation for toddlers are? We’ve got a selection of fantastic toddler books about vehicles to fit with your preschool transportation theme (or just get your car and truck loving toddler or preschooler excited about reading!)

Reading is important, but sometimes it’s hard to hold the attention of our littlest learners. Keep your toddlers engaged with books on their favorite topics.

Use their unique interests (obsessions? In our house, it’s more like obsessions!) to capture their attention.

Here are some of the best books about transportation for toddlers and preschoolers. We know your vehicle loving kiddo is going to love them as much as ours do!

The Best Board Books for Kids That Love Trucks

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Helping Kids Adjust to a New Baby with Baby Activities for Siblings

Baby on the way? We’ve got fun (and helpful!) new baby activities for siblings that will make helping kids adjust to a new baby SO much smoother. Read on for our tips on creating a DIY new baby boot camp to help your kids get ready for their new brother or sister.

So you find yourself pregnant with baby number two (or three, or four), and you’ve done everything you can think of the prepare for the new baby. You’ve got the car seat installed. Your crib is set up. And you’ve got a month’s supply of off brand diapers ready to greet your new bundle of joy (hey, this is baby #2 after all). 

You’ve done everything you did last time to get ready for the new baby, but there may be one tiny detail you’re forgetting: this time, you already have a kid (or two), and they’re likely to have some feelings about the new kids in town.

Too many well meaning people try to get older siblings ready for a baby by talking up how much fun having a brother or sister will be. They tell them that they’ll get to hold them, and play with them, and teach them to ride a bike and stuff.

As you may have realized, those things are FAR into the future. Mostly, babies just cry and sleep in the beginning. And we don’t want well meaning siblings trying to strap a newborn to their scooter, do we?

Nah, we need to give kids a more concrete way to welcome their new baby. New baby activities that will actually get them prepared to be a big brother or sister, and activities that will be useful in real ways once the baby arrives.

Here are ten ways to help kids adjust to a new baby before their sibling arrives.

new baby activities; text overlay reading how to get siblings ready for a new baby

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Construction Themed Sensory Bin with Mini Dump Trucks

mini construction toys in dried beans; text overlay: construction themed sensory bin

Need something to add to your construction vehicle activities? Or just trying to keep a vehicle obsessed toddler or preschooler busy? Check out this fun, crazy low-prep sensory bin for transportation loving kids!

I don’t know about you all, but my son is absolutely OBSESSED with vehicles. He loves his hot wheels, his toy planes, and his train set. But the toy he loves most of all might just be his giant, outside-only dump truck.

Which is fabulous when we can head outside for some big, messy, muddy play. But honestly, that doesn’t always work for us. And by “us,” I mean “me,” the one who doesn’t always want to supervise outdoor play, followed up by cleaning up a filthy child. 

So we found a way to get that same vibe with this indoor-friendly construction vehicle sensory bin. Featuring mini-construction vehicles and plenty of materials to push, scoop, and move, it’ll scratch that sensory itch (without all the mud).

mini construction toys in dried beans; text overlay: construction themed sensory bin

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